Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Interview Prep with Brad Pitt (And James Lipton, of Course!)

We'll be doing an interview-based activity using this Inside the Actor's Studio interview of Brad Pitt.  Keep an eye/ear out for which questions (that Lipton asks) elicit the best/deepest responses.

Brad Pitt on Inside the Actor's Studio with James Lipton

After reviewing the draft of your interview questions, I think that, collective, you did an excellent job.  If this assignment/project is still tripping anybody up, here are some foundation questions that can guide your interviews:

  • What writing-based role(s) does this person play within the organization?  To whom do they communicate with?  (Who is their audience -- and, always, for which genres?)  Why?
  • What genres does this person typically create?  (If they respond, "Well, I write emails," try to get them to dig deeper.  Emails about what?  To whom?
  • What's "good writing" in their field/position and/or at this specific organization?  Why?
  • What does writing do in this organization?  What does it accomplish?  How does it accomplish that?
  • What are some of the major buzzwords used amongst the participants in the organization?  What words/phrases might an "outsider" not be familiar with?  How are these explained to an external/outside audience?
  • What does this person's writing process like?  Do they ever share their in-progress (ie, not completely finished) work with others?  If so, who, and why?  What kind of feedback do they get?
  • Do they have any writing-related pet peeves?
  • Do they have any writing-/communication-related tips for someone who is considering entering the field?
  • What kind of attitude/mindset does or thinking aptitude is required to succeed in this job?

Extra tips:

Monday, August 3, 2015

Scheduling Our Upcoming 1-on-1 Conferences

On August 26th, during our week 8 class, we'll be meeting 1-on-1 to make sure you're on a solid path going forth.  Click this link to sign up for a time that works for you.  If none of these work, let me know and we'll figure it out!